1. Go a day without Yelling
2. See the fall colors of Prince Edward Island
3. Participate in a triathlon
4. Spend two days with my Husband's complete attention. (sorry kids)
5. Visit every Temple Open House with my family that's close to us.
6. Go a backpacking trip
7. Become fluent in Spanish
8. See a musical on Broadway
9. Pay for dinner at a nice restaurant in nothing but change
10. Write a book
11. Learn to play the piano
12. See the Grand Canyon
13. Plant and maintain my own garden
14. Visit a concentration camp in Germany (and other WWII sites)
15. Attend a ball like the one on Enchanted
16. Go camping on the beach
17. Be with my family in the Celestial Room of the temple
18. Moonwalk on the Great Wall of China
19. Kiss the Blimee stone - Ireland
20. See the Phantom of the Opera
21. Serve a mission with my husband
22. Surprise someone else with something they’ve always wanted
23. Improve my handwriting -- Calligraphy
24. Visit historical sites back east from the civil war
25. Live in a different country.
26. Go on a cruise to anywhere
27. Visit the Statue of Liberty.
28. Ride on a passenger train