My sister-in-law told me that she checks blogs a lot and that they don't change very often. Well, I'm going to fix that now. On Monday Courtney and I kidnapped our friend Annie to have a fun night without kids. We went out for dessert and went to a couple of stores. We didn't buy anything, except for food, but it was so nice to just talk and hang out. I had to make a quick stop at home half way through the night, but Bethany is worth it. James said I could do it again soon, even making a habit of it. Since we didn't spend any money and he approves of my friends.
While we were talking, I did some thinking. Am I too quite? I don't think so with my friends, but sometimes I feel like I am with family. Shouldn't I be more honest with them then anyone else? Let me give you the example: My wonderful mother came and visited me for almost a week. During her stay she would under mind me. If I told one of my kids no, she (who was sitting next to me) would say yes. My kids started to ask her for things. I didn't say anything at the time, I didn't want to fight. Well, James and I were talking about it later, and he said that we just won't visit home as often. I don't like the idea of ignoring my parents without them knowing, but I really don't want to fight. What should I do? This is just one example of actions I don't approve of. I feel I should have said something, but we've fought about this before. Any ideas? If I need to speak up about this, should I be more honest on other things? Please help me!